Consolidated Guidelines

3.3 Remarks

The GDG 2018 assessed the individual contribution to patient outcomes of medicines used in longer MDR-TB regimens, using primarily the estimates of effect from the 2018 IPD meta-analysis and Trial 213 (delamanid) for PICO question 3–2018 (MDR/RR-TB, 2018) (see Web Annex 3 for the respective GRADE summaries of evidence for each medicine, and Web Annex 4 for the evidence-to-deci

Section 4. Regimens for rifampicin-susceptible, isoniazid-resistant TB (Hr-TB)

The development of the current recommendations was made possible by the availability of a global Hr-TB IPD. As in other IPD analyses conducted to inform WHO treatment guidelines in recent years, the Hr-TB IPD analysis facilitated the comparison of different patient groups, some adjustment for covariates and better interpretation of the results (57). It is important for researchers and national programmes to continue contributing patient records to the Hr-TB IPD, to increase its value as a source of information for future treatment policy.

Research gaps

In addition to summarizing the available evidence, the reviews undertaken for these consolidated guidelines revealed several gaps in current knowledge about critical areas in DR-TB treatment and care. The estimates of effect for patient studies were commonly assigned a low or very low certainty rating, which explains why most of the recommendations in these guidelines are conditional. Some gaps persist from those identified in previous TB treatment guidelines (11, 12).