كتاب روابط اجتياز لـ 8.3 Spill clean-up kit
The laboratory manager is responsible for maintaining spill response kits. Two spill response kits should be prepared: one placed outside the containment laboratory and one placed inside the laboratory. The kits should include the items listed below.
Spill response kit:
- Hypochlorite solution stored in an opaque bottleᵃ (or another suitable disinfectant)
- Respirators (1 box)
- Gloves (1 box )
- Laboratory gowns (4-6 disposable gowns)
- Dustpan and brush (for disposal if necessary)
- Chloramine tablets ( 10 tablets)
- Paper towels
- Soap
- Sharps container
- Biohazard bags
- Goggles ( 2pairs)
ᵃ Hypochlorite in solution has a limited shelf life. For a large spill, it may be better to prepare the disinfectant solution at the time of clean up.