كتاب روابط اجتياز لـ 1.5 Objectives of the guideline update
The specific objectives of the guideline update are:
1. to support Member States in implementing effective TB screening interventions by providing updated information about the expected impact of TB screening on patient-important outcomes and the epidemiology of TB, the expected yield of screening interventions and the expected performance of different screening tools and algorithms;
2. to contribute to finding more people with TB and finding them earlier in the course of disease in order to reduce disease burden, morbidity and mortality, and costs and financial hardship for people suffering from TB.
This update will allow policymakers in ministries of health to choose the best approach to planning and implementing screening and active case-finding activities, depending on the context. It will also provide a sound basis for developing or updating national guidelines for TB screening based on the epidemiology of TB and the health care delivery system in the country.