كتاب روابط اجتياز لـ 1.5. Implementation considerations
Considerations for implementation were as follows:
- regulatory approval from national regulatory authorities or other relevant bodies is required before implementation of in vivo diagnostic tests;
- appropriate communication on the new class of tests is necessary, highlighting the difference between the TST and TBSTs;
- implementation of TBSTs requires a cold chain;
- well-trained skilled staff are needed to administer and interpret this class of tests;
- multiuse vials will require effective operational planning and batching; hence, single-use vials or vials with fewer doses to match daily needs are preferred;
- procurement and stock management aspects will have to be considered, as with implementing any new class of tests;
- because the reading of the TBST results requires a second patient visit, linkage to care requires reinforcement, to decrease loss to follow-up;
- global market availability and necessary volumes of the new class of tests must be considered; and
- measurement of the TBST reaction size and interpretation must be standardized.