1.7. Publication, dissemination, evaluation and expiry

The electronic version of the consolidated guidelines on the management of TB in children and adolescents will form part of the WHO TB KS , which features the following components for each TB module: (i) consolidated guidelines, (ii) operational handbooks with implementation guidance; as well as (iii) a catalogue of WHO e-learning materials.

Further dissemination strategies include global, regional and country webinars and consultations, development of training materials based on the guideline and the operational handbook, and technical support for countries during programme reviews and other in-country missions, as well as review of national strategic plans and funding applications.

Data collected for the annual global TB reports will be evaluated to monitor TB notification rates for children (0-4 and 5-9 years) and adolescents (10-14 and 15-19 years), the proportion of notified TB cases that are children and young adolescents under 15 years (for both DS-TB and DR-TB, and TB treatment coverage rates for children under 5 years, children and young adolescents 5-14 years of age. Other indicators that will be monitored include TB treatment outcomes for children and young adolescents under the age of 15 years as well as coverage of TPT among eligible contacts under the age of 5 years, as well as older contacts.

The recommendations included in the 2022 consolidated guidelines will be considered for updating in five years' time, or earlier if new evidence becomes available. For the interim recommendation on the use of treatment decision algorithms, new data will be generated and reviewed within a two-year time period.

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