3. Prevention of TB

This chapter includes current WHO recommendations that apply to children and adolescents on TB prevention. They have been consolidated from current WHO guidelines on TB infection, prevention and control, a BCG position paper and guidelines on TPT, namely the WHO guidelines on tuberculosis infection prevention and control, 2019 update (12), the BCG vaccines: WHO position paper (published in the Weekly Epidemiological Record) (13) and the WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis. Module 1: prevention - tuberculosis preventive treatment (14). For more information on each recommendation including the remarks, source of evidence, justification, subgroup, implementation and monitoring and evaluation considerations, the source guidelines or WHO TB KSP should be consulted.

WHO recommendations on TB infection prevention and control, BCG vaccination and TPT relevant to children and adolescentsWHO recommendations on TB infection prevention and control, BCG vaccination and TPT relevant to children and adolescentsWHO recommendations on TB infection prevention and control, BCG vaccination and TPT relevant to children and adolescentsWHO recommendations on TB infection prevention and control, BCG vaccination and TPT relevant to children and adolescentsWHO recommendations on TB infection prevention and control, BCG vaccination and TPT relevant to children and adolescents

²⁰ TNF: tumour necrosis factor

²¹ In children 2 years and above.

²² In children 13 years and above.

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