كتاب روابط اجتياز لـ 6.1.2. Subgroup considerations
Adolescents have a disease presentation that is similar to adults, and therefore may need different interventions than young children. Additional subgroup considerations for adolescents are included in the operational handbook, taking into account their specific health-seeking behaviour and the need for adolescent-friendly services.
TB contacts: Provision of TPT has focused mainly on children under 5 years of age for many years. In 2018, target groups for the provision of TPT were expanded to include contacts of all ages (122). Available data from the global TB database (78) show that coverage of TPT in household contacts is poor, especially in those over 5 years of age.
In children with common illnesses with overlapping signs and symptoms of TB, approaches to integrate TB services in their care can improve case detection and provision of TPT.
These subgroups include:
- Children with SAM
- Children with severe pneumonia
- Children living with HIV
- Children with other chronic diseases.