4. Methods

The process of development of these guidelines followed the WHO handbook for guideline development (73). In summary, the process included identifying priority questions and outcomes, retrieving the evidence, assessing and synthesizing the evidence, formulating the recommendations, and planning for dissemination and implementation. The process also required the establishment of the following bodies: a WHO Steering Group, a Guideline Development Group and an External Review Group.

The WHO Steering Group comprised staff members from the following departments: WHO Global TB Programme; WHO Department of Service Delivery and Safety; WHO HIV Programme; and the Research, Ethics and Knowledge Management Unit of the WHO Department of Health Systems and Innovation. The WHO Steering Group identified 19 external experts and stakeholders from the six WHO regions to form the Guideline Development Group, which, in turn, was tasked with the critical assessment of the evidence in order to advise WHO on the making of the recommendations. The Guideline Development Group comprised individuals with expertise in TB IPC, architectural design with a focus on environmental controls, clinical and programmatic management of TB, laboratories and guideline development methods. The External Review Group comprised eight technical experts and stakeholders with an interest in and knowledge of IPC within the continuum of care of TB patients. The External Review Group peer reviewed the final guideline document to identify any factual errors, and to comment on clarity of the language, contextual issues and implications for implementation.

Other technical experts and technical partners attending the in-person meeting participated in the discussion, but did not contribute to the decisions of the Guideline Development Group and were excluded from voting.

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