Annex. Summary of changes in policy on DS-TB treatment since 2010 and mapping of recommendations in consolidated DS-TB guidelines

Treatment of DS-TB using 6-month regimen

Treatment of DS-TB using 6-month regimen

Treatment of DS-TB using 6-month regimen

Treatment of DS-TB using 6-month regimen

Treatment of DS-TB using 6-month regimen

Treatment of DS-TB using 4-month regimens

Treatment of DS-TB using 4-month regimens

Treatment of DS-TB using 4-month regimens

The use of adjuvant steroids in the treatment of TB meningitis and pericarditis

The use of adjuvant steroids in the treatment of TB meningitis and pericarditis

The use of adjuvant steroids in the treatment of TB meningitis and pericarditis

The use of adjuvant steroids in the treatment of TB meningitis and pericarditis

The use of adjuvant steroids in the treatment of TB meningitis and pericarditis

The use of adjuvant steroids in the treatment of TB meningitis and pericarditis

The use of adjuvant steroids in the treatment of TB meningitis and pericarditis

References to WHO guidance:

  1. Treatment of tuberculosis, guidelines for national programmes, fourth edition. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2010 (, accessed 3 March 2022).
  2. Guidelines for treatment of drug-susceptible tuberculosis and patient care. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017 (, accessed 3 March 2022).
  3. WHO Consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis, Module 4: Treatment – Drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020 (, accessed 3 March 2022).
  4. WHO policy on collaborative TB/HIV activities: guidelines for national programmes and other stakeholders. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2012 (, accessed 3 March 2022).
  5. Consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection: recommendations for a public health approach, second edition. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (, accessed 3 March 2022).
  6. Consolidated guidelines on HIV prevention, testing, treatment, service delivery and monitoring: recommendations for a public health approach. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021 (, accessed 3 March 2022).
  7. Guidelines for the programmatic management of drug-resistant tuberculosis. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2011 (, accessed 3 March 2022).
  8. Guidance for national tuberculosis programmes on the management of tuberculosis in children. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014 (, accessed 3 March 2022).

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