Enlaces transversales de Book para Acknowledgements
The Global Tuberculosis Programme of the World Health Organization (WHO) gratefully acknowledges the contributions that many individuals and organizations (listed in Web Annex A) have made to the development of these guidelines.
Guideline Development Group
We appreciate the feedback provided by a large number of international stakeholders during the scoping exercise that took place as part of the guideline development process, and their additional contributions during the development of these recommendations. The following served as members of the Guideline Development Group: Sujata Baveja, Andra Cīrule, Adrian Roderick (Rod) Escombe, Paul Arthur Jensen, Jun Cheng, Timpiyian Leseni, Shaheen Mehtar, Lindiwe Mvusi, Edward Anthony Nardell, Nguyen Viet Nhung, Isabel Milagros Ochoa-Delgado, Claude Rutanga, Amal Salah Eldin Hassan, Rohit Sarin, Charles Ssonko, Sabira Tahseen, Carrie Tudor and Grigory V. Volchenkov. Special thanks to Holger Schünemann for providing methodological guidance and for chairing both the technical consultations and the in-person Guideline Development Group meeting.
External Review Group
We thank the following members of the External Review Group for peer reviewing the final guideline document and providing valuable inputs: Charles Daley, Nii Nortey Hanson-Nortey, Ingrid Schoeman, Philipp du Cros, Marieke van der Werf and Helen Cox.
Systematic review teams
We extend sincere thanks to the authors of the systematic reviews used in these guidelines, for their assistance and collaboration in preparing and updating this work: Katherine Fielding, Meghann Gregg, Rebecca Harris, Aaron Karat and David Moore from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; and Greg Fox, Lisa Redwood, Wai Lai Chang and Jennifer Ho from the University of Sydney.
External partners and observers
We acknowledge the following experts and partners for their participation in the Guideline Development Group meeting: Sevim Ahmedov (United States Agency for International Development – USAID), Jean-Paul Janssens (International Hospital Federation), Kedibone Mdolo (Democratic Nurses Organization of South Africa), Mohamed Yassin (Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria), Draurio Barreira (Unitaid) and Wayne van Gemert (Global Drug Facility). Thomas W. Piggott (McMaster University) and Richard L. Vincent (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) participated as technical resource persons.
WHO Guideline Steering Group
Work on these guidelines was overseen by Fuad Mirzayev (WHO Global TB Programme), with contributions from members of the WHO Guideline Steering Group – Annabel Baddeley (WHO Global TB Programme), Dennis Falzon (WHO Global TB Programme), Christopher Gilpin (WHO Global TB Programme), Lice González-Angulo (WHO Global TB Programme), Ernesto Jaramillo (WHO Global TB Programme), Linh Nhat Nguyen (WHO Global TB Programme), Nizam Damani (WHO Department of Service Delivery and Safety), Andreas Alois Reis (WHO Department of Research, Ethics and Knowledge Management), Kefas Samson (WHO Global TB Programme), Satvinder (Vindi) Singh (WHO HIV Programme) and Matteo Zignol (WHO Global TB Programme) – under the overall coordination of Karin Weyer (WHO Global TB Programme).
The guidelines were drafted by Fuad Mirzayev and Lice González-Angulo under the overall guidance and leadership of Karin Weyer and the direction of Tereza Kasaeva, Director of the WHO Global Tuberculosis Programme.
Technical editing was provided by Hilary Cadman, Cadman Editing Services, Australia.
Funding from USAID, through the USAID-WHO Consolidated grant US-2016–0961, is gratefully acknowledged. The views of the funding agency have not influenced the development and content of these guidelines.