Publication, dissemination, implementation, evaluation and expiry

These guidelines are published on the website of WHO's Global TB Programme (WHO/GTB) and can be freely downloaded (in pdf and other electronic formats). It is also expected that the evidence reviews and recommendations will be published in peer-reviewed journals to improve dissemination of the main messages. The updates to policy guidance are also reflected in the implementation guidance on TB management and the revision of the WHO operational handbook on tuberculosis -Module 4: Treatment.

Following consolidation of the guidelines, WHO will strive to review and update individual recommendations based on the emerging evidence.

WHO works closely with its regional and country offices, as well as with technical and funding agencies and partners, to ensure wide communication of the updated guidance in technical meetings and training activities. WHO collaborates with technical partners at different levels to support national TB programmes in adopting new recommendations in their national TB policies and guidelines.

⁶ See:

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