2.6.2 Key References and Supporting WHO Guidelines

Baleta, A. (2008) Swaziland nurses the wellbeing of its health workers. Lancet. 371;1901-1902.

Charalambous, S., Grant, A. D., Day, J. H., Pemba, L., Chaisson, R. E., Kruger, P., et al. (2007a). Establishing a workplace antiretroviral therapy programme in South Africa. AIDS Care, 19(1), 34-41.

EngenderHealth: Reducing stigma and discrimination related to HIV and AIDS: training for health care workers. New York: EngenderHealth; 2004.

EngenderHealth and United Nations Population Fund. (2008) Sexual and Reproductive Health of Women and Adolescent Girls: Guidance for health managers, health workers, and activists. Available from: http://www.engenderhealth.org/files/pubs/hiv-aids-stis/english-srh-guidance-final.pdf

International Planned Parenthood Federation, University of California San Francisco Global Health Sciences , UNAIDS, United Nations Population Fund, World Health Organization. (2008) Sexual & Reproductive Health and HIV: Linkages: Evidence Review and Recommendations available; http://www.unfpa.org/webdav/site/global/shared/documents/publications/2008/linkages_ evidence.PDF

Open Society Institute-Public Health Programme. Law and health initiative- Expert consultation: How can training of health providers be effectively used to promote human rights in patient care? Report. October 2008.

Public Services International. Retrieved Jun 2, 2009, Available from: www.worldpsi.org/TemplateEn.cfm?Section=PSI_publications&CONTENTID=19238&TEMPLATE=/Conten tManagement/ContentDisplay.cfm

World Health Organization. (2009). Integrating gender into HIV/AIDS programmes in the health sector: Tool to improve responsiveness to women’s needs.

Supported by Existing Guidelines:

ILO/WHO guidelines on health services and HIV/AIDS, 2005- training 78,79

  • 78. Education and training should be designed to meet the needs and situations of the different groups being educated or trained. Employers should consult the relevant authorities for further information on training and collaborate with workers and their representatives, and professional associations, in the development of education programmes and training materials. To the extent possible, larger hospitals, particularly teaching hospitals, and other specialized health services should cooperate in developing knowledge-exchange mechanisms designed to provide education, training and information to smaller health services, including occupational health services, and to community services and home caregivers. Private hospitals and clinics should be encouraged to help to facilitate the effective flow of knowledge and skills in the national health-care system. They should seek up-to-date scientific knowledge from national, and international, academic and research institutions, including professional associations.
  • 79. The employer should ensure that health-care workers at all levels are provided with the information and training they need to maintain, update and improve their skills and knowledge as required. Information and training programmes for health-care workers should enable them to:

(a) increase awareness of the risks of exposure to blood-borne pathogens;

(b) understand the modes of transmission of blood-borne pathogens, with particular emphasis on HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C;

(c) identify and anticipate situations where they may be exposed to blood-borne pathogens;

(d) apply the hierarchy of controls to prevent exposure;

(e) follow standard precautions and other workplace practices for safety and health;

(f) use and handle equipment and personal protective equipment and clothing;

(g) be aware of their legal obligations regarding OSH;

(h) report promptly and accurately to the designated person in the workplace any exposure to blood or body fluids;

(i) initiate post-exposure follow-up and prophylaxis as appropriate according to assessed transmission risk level;

(j) apply social dialogue processes to improve workplace practice; (k) support or take part in an OSH committee.

(k) support or take part in an OSH committee.

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