Target audience

The recommendations presented here are intended to inform and contextualize TB-specific IPC interventions and activities within national-level and local-level IPC policies and protocols. Therefore, the target audience includes national and subnational policy-makers, including health system managers for TB, HIV and other disease programmes; IPC services; inpatient and outpatient facilities; IPC and quality assurance programmes; associations of affected groups; managers of congregate settings and penitentiary facilities; and occupational health and other relevant stakeholders.

The adoption of these guidelines goes beyond national TB programmes. It requires an interdisciplinary, multisectoral and multilevel approach to ensure the proper implementation of the recommendations in settings where transmission of M. tuberculosis is likely to occur.


GUV: germicidal ultraviolet; HEPA: high-efficiency particulate air; HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; IPC: infection prevention and control; IPT: isoniazid preventive therapy; LTBI: latent TB infection; M. tuberculosis: Mycobacterium tuberculosis; TB: tuberculosis; WHO: World Health Organization.

a Latent TB infection: updated and consolidated guidelines for programmatic management [WHO/CDS/TB/2018.4]. Geneva: World Health Organization(WHO); 2018 ( latent-tuberculosis-infection/en/, accessed 19 December 2018).

b Consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection: recommendations for a public health approach (second edition). Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (, accessed 18 December 2018).

ᶜ See definition in the Glossary.

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