Annex 1. Data elements for monitoring implementation of tuberculosis infection prevention and control

This annex provides two tables:

  • Table A1.1 lists indicative data elements that may be monitored using periodic surveys or through implementation research studies, to complement the indicators that are routinely collected indicators (described in Chapter 6); and
  • Table A1.2 provides an example of country evaluation of the tuberculosis (TB) infection prevention and control (IPC) activities at 6 months compared with baseline.

Table A1.1. Data element that may be monitored using periodic surveys or implementation research studies




ACH: air changes per hour; GUV: germicidal ultraviolet light; HEPA: high-efficiency particulate air; IPC: infection prevention and control; M. tuberculosis: Mycobacterium tuberculosis; NTP: national TB programme; TB: tuberculosis.




FFP2: filtering facepiece 2; IC: infection control; TB: tuberculosis; UV: ultraviolet.

a Green: the measure implementation is in place; yellow: the measure implementation is at draft stage or planned; and red: the measure is not implemented. Source: table supplied by GB Migliori.

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