1.2.3 Methods for National Survey Conducted by the Guideline Group

The Guideline Group aimed to gather evidence on the policies and legislation that exist in 34 countries, with 4 of 6 WHO regions responding prior to the drafting of the Synthesis report (Yassi et al., 2009). The purpose was to identify gaps in policy and barriers to implementing related policies related to improving healthcare worker access to HIV and TB services. Overall HIV and TB prevalence determined the number of countries to be surveyed for each region. Within each country, the WHO HIV officer liaised with their respective Ministry of Health to facilitate collection of data. The survey consisted of a semi-structured questionnaire; multiple choice questions with dichotomous responses for single and multiple answers, and a few open-ended questions. The survey was designed to gather facts as well as opinions and insights.

Results from 17 countries (Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Papua New Guinea, South Sudan, Romania, Tajikistan, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Thailand, Rwanda, Columbia, El Salvador, Trinidad and Tobago and Ukraine) were compiled. Quantitative data were coded and entered manually in an MS Excel spreadsheet; qualitative data were coded and analyzed thematically. The study, with the aim of identifying gaps, barriers and potential solutions to enhancing health workers’ access to HIV and TB services, explored the following key areas: i) Policy, legislation and provision of services concerned with the occupational safety and welfare of health workers; ii) Prevention of HIV within and outside the workplace; ii) Access to HIV counseling and testing services for health workers; and iv) Infection control for TB within the workplace

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