6. Treatment of DS-TB in People with HIV

Worldwide, a total of 375 963 cases of TB among People with HIV were notified in 2020, equivalent to 9% of the 4.2 million people diagnosed with TB who had an HIV-positive test result. Overall, the percentage of people diagnosed with TB who are HIV-positive has fallen globally over the past 10 years.

The coverage of ART among people diagnosed with TB and known to be HIV-positive was 88% in 2020, the same level as in 2019. By 2020, most people provided with TPT were living with HIV.

Treatment success rates remain lower among People with HIV (77% globally in 2019 – the latest annual patient cohort for which data are available) although there have been steady improvements over time. TB treatment and provision of ART to HIV-positive people diagnosed with TB are estimated to have averted 66 million deaths between 2000 and 2020 (5). Patients with HIV infection and TB have an increased risk of death, treatment failure and relapse (5). There is evidence that People with HIV with TB coinfection who are treated with ART respond much better to anti-TB treatment and have improved outcomes; therefore, ART is of paramount importance (23, 35).

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