2.7.2 Key References and Supporting WHO Guidelines

Corbett, L. (2007). Health worker access to HIV/TB prevention, treatment and care services in Africa: Situational analysis and mapping of routine and current best practices. Unpublished manuscript.

London, L. (1996) AIDS programmes at the workplace: A scoresheet for assessing the quality of services. OcupationalOccupational Medicine, 46(3):216-220.

Mahajan AP, Colvin M, Rudatsikira JB., & Ettl D. (2007). An overview of HIV/AIDS workplace policies and programmes in southern Africa. AIDS (London, England), 21 Suppl 3, S31-9.

Smit R. (2005). HIV/AIDS and the workplace: Perceptions of nurses in a public hospital in South Africa. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 51(1): 22-9.

South African Department of Labour. (1998) The South African Code of Good Practices on HIV/AIDS and Key aspects of Employment. www.labourguide.co.za/Code%20HIVAIDS%20and%20employment.doc

Whelan R, Dickinson D, & Murray T. (2008). Use and neglect of best-practice HIV/AIDS programme guides by South African companies. African Journal of AIDS Research, 7

Supported by Existing Guidelines:

ILO/WHO guidelines on health services and HIV/AIDS, 2005- 19f, 41 f(3); training 77,78,79

  • 19f: Health policy needs to cover and promote collaboration among all relevant institutions including teaching, district and private hospitals and clinics, occupational health services, community health services, dispensaries and home-based care associations, and faith-based and other national and international NGOs. Governments should therefore: prioritize, and make adequate budgetary provisions for, human resources, infrastructure, equipment and materials for effective service delivery to patients and protection of health-care workers.
  • 41 f(3); The goal of risk control is to follow the hierarchy of controls, selecting the most effective control measures in order of priority for their effectiveness in minimizing health­care workers' exposure to blood or body fluids, or preventing injury or illness resulting from exposure.
  • (f) Personal protective equipment (PPE): The use of PPE is a control measure that places barriers and filters between the worker and the hazard. Employers should make available equipment to protect workers from exposure to blood or body fluids. They should ensure that workers have access to these items free of charge;

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