2.8.2 Key References and Supporting WHO Guidelines

Campbell C, & Williams B. (1999). Beyond the biomedical and behavioural: towards an integrated approach to HIV prevention in the South African mining industry. Social Science & Medicine, 48:1625-1639.

Charalambous, S., Grant, A. D., Day, J. H., Pemba, L., Chaisson, R. E., Kruger, P., et al. (2007a). Establishing a workplace antiretroviral therapy programme in South Africa. AIDS Care, 19(1), 34-41.

Charalambous, S., Innes, C., Muirhead, D., Kumaranayake, L., Fielding, K., Pemba, L., et al. (2007b). Evaluation of a workplace HIV treatment programme in South Africa. AIDS (London, England), 21 Suppl 3, S73-8.

Connelly P, & Rosen S. (2006). Treatment of HIV/AIDS at South Africa's largest employers: Myth and reality. South African Medical Journal = Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Geneeskunde, 96(2), 128-133.

Corbett EL, Dauya E, Matambo R, Cheung YB, Makamure B, Bassett MT, et al. (2006). Uptake of workplace HIV counselling and testing: A cluster-randomised trial in Zimbabwe. PLoS Medicine, 3(7), e238.

Corbett, L. (2007a). Health worker access to HIV/TB prevention, treatment and care services in Africa: Situational analysis and mapping of routine and current best practices. Unpublished manuscript.

Feeley FG, Collier AC, Richards SC, & Van Der Borght SF. (2007). A successful workplace programme for voluntary counselling and testing and treatment of HIV/AIDS at Heineken, Rwanda. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 13(1), 99-106.

London, L. (1996) AIDS programmes at the workplace: A scoresheet for assessing the quality of services. Occupational Medicine, 46(3):216-220.

Mahajan AP, Colvin M, Rudatsikira JB, & Ettl D. (2007). An overview of HIV/AIDS workplace policies and programmes in southern Africa. AIDS (London, England), 21 Suppl 3, S31-9.

Michael, K. (1999). Best practices: A review of company activity on HIV / AIDS in South Africa. AIDS Analysis Africa, 10(3), 5-6.

Morris C, Cheevers E. (2001) A package of care for HIV in the occupational setting in Africa: Results of a pilot intervention. AIDS Patient Care and STDs. 15(12):633-640.

Rosen S, Vincent JR, MacLeod W, Fox M, Thea DM, & Simon JL. (2004). The cost of HIV/AIDS to businesses in southern Africa. AIDS (London, England), 18(2), 317-324.

Sloan NM & Myers JE. (2005). Evaluation of an HIV/AIDS peer education programme in a South African workplace. South African Medical Journal, 95(4).

Supported by Existing Guidelines:

ILO/WHO guidelines on health services and HIV/AIDS, 2005- Peer education, health and safety committees:

  • 81. Training materials should be based on validated information and methodologies that are accepted at the national level by regulators and specialists. Health-care workers with proven skills and experience are often the best trainers, and peer education is therefore recommended at all levels, together with a participatory methodology. A list of the key elements to be included in information, education and training programmes for health-care workers is provided in Fact Sheet No. 11. Other specific areas for training are also identified in paragraphs 20(d) (Role of employers' and workers' organizations), 24 (Recognition of HIV as a workplace issue), 26(c) (Stigma and discrimination in the health sector), 28 (Gender: Issues for women and men), 31 (Social dialogue), 38 (Risk management), 39 (Hazard identification), 41(f) (Risk control), 57 (Exposure response system).

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