2.14.2 Key References and Supporting ILO and WHO Guidelines

Dement, J. M., Pompeii, L. A., Ostbye, T., Epling, C., Lipscomb, H. J., James, T., et al. (2004). An integrated comprehensive occupational surveillance system for health care workers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 45(6), 528-538.

Hood, J., & Larranaga, M. (2007). Employee health surveillance in the health care industry. AAOHN Journal: Official Journal of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, 55(10), 423­431.

Mahajan, A. P., Colvin, M., Rudatsikira, J. B., & Ettl, D. (2007). An overview of HIV/AIDS workplace policies and programmes in southern Africa. AIDS (London, England), 21 Suppl 3, S31-9.

Robson LS, Clarke JA, Cullen K, Bielecky A, Severin C, Bigelow PL, Irvin E, Culyer A,Mahood Q. (2007) The effectiveness of occupational health and safety management system interventions: A systematic review. Safety Science, 45: 329-353.

Yassi, A. (1998). Utilizing data systems to develop and monitor occupational health programmes in a large Canadian hospital. Methods of Information in Medicine, 37(2): 125-129.

Yassi, A., Nophale, L., Dybka, L., Bryce, E., Kruger, W., & Spiegel, J. (2009b) Building capacity to secure healthier and safer working conditions for healthcare workers: A South African-Canadian collaboration. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 15:360-369.

Yassi A, Bryce EA, Spiegel JM. (2009c) Assuming our global responsibility: Improving working conditions for healthcare workers globally. Open Medicine. 3 (3): 174-177.

Wheeler M. (2009). Development of policy guidelines for health worker access to prevention, treatment, care and support for HIV/TB (TREAT): A preliminary review of the published literature. Unpublished manuscript.

WHO-HIV, UNFPA, IPPF-HIV, UNDAIDS, UCSF. Linkages: Evidence review and recommendations Sexual and reproductive health and HIV. 2008.

WHO. Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. 2004.

FHI/Impact/UNAID. Evaluating Programmes for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care in Developing Countries, A Handbook for Programme Managers and Decision Makers. 2006.

Supported by Existing Guidelines:

  • ILO/WHO guidelines on health services and HIV/AIDS, 2005- 52,53, 77:
  • 52. Workers' health surveillance 33 is aimed at the protection of workers and the early detection and prompt treatment of occupational diseases. Whilst compensation should be expedited this may reflect a failure of the occupational health and safety system. Surveillance should take into account the nature of occupational risks in the workplace, the health requirements, the health status of the workforce, including HIV status, the resources available and workers' and employers' awareness of the functions and purposes of such surveillance, as well as the relevant laws and regulations. The collective results of surveillance should be available to workers and their representatives.
  • 53. Employers should regularly monitor and evaluate work practices and ensure that action is taken to modify them when indicated. A person or a group of people should be identified in the workplace to carry out monitoring and evaluation. The person or group thus identified should be made known to all health-care workers and should represent all categories of staff, including those in charge of health-care waste. Elements that should be considered are:

(a) the effectiveness of workplace policies and procedures;

(b) the effectiveness of information and training programmes;

(c) the level of compliance with standard precautions;

(d) the accurate recording and analysis of incidents;

(e) the causes of exposure to blood or body fluids;

(f) the evaluation of incident debriefing;

(g) the effectiveness of action taken and follow-up.

  • 77. The capacity to generate, process and disseminate knowledge is essential in developing effective OSH strategies and monitoring their benefits. Core components of the knowledge base must include international labour standards, national legislation, technical standards, statistics and risk-assessment data, good practices, and education and training tools. Employers should make sure that the appropriate tools to collect, analyse and organize the information needed to maintain a safe and healthy working environment are made available and used in the workplace. Workers and their representatives should be involved in this process so that the knowledge and expertise of workers can be considered.

TB infection control, 2009- 2.2.5:

  • Establishing the system for monitoring and evaluation, including supervision activities of the set of TB infection control measures should involve collaboration and sharing of indicators between programmes (e.g. programmes related to TB, HIV, occupational health, quality control and quality assurance and IPC) and the general health system.

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