1.3 Scope

The TB/HIV guidelines summarize the recommendations and related evidence on interventions to reduce the burden of TB among people living with HIV and on interventions to reduce the burden of HIV among people with presumed or diagnosed TB, updating the recommendations outlined within objectives B and C from the TB/HIV policy as depicted in Fig. 1. They provide a single comprehensive source for evidence-informed recommendations to address HIV-associated TB and will allow policy makers in ministries of health and others providing services for people with TB and HIV to make decisions about implementation. The guidelines compile all current WHO recommendations for adults on screening, diagnosis, treatment, care and prevention of HIV-associated TB (11-18, 20-22, 26). For more information on each recommendation including the remarks, source of evidence, justification, subgroup, implementation and monitoring and evaluation considerations, the source guidelines or the WHO TB Knowledge Sharing Platform should be consulted.4 Recommendations to address HIV-associated TB in children and adolescents have been compiled separately, in the WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis. Module 5: management of tuberculosis in children and adolescents (11).

The TB/HIV guidelines are accompanied by a corresponding section within the WHO operational handbook on tuberculosis. Module 6: tuberculosis and comorbidities hereafter referred to as the TB/HIV operational handbook (7). The handbook contains guidance on actions to establish and strengthen mechanisms for effective collaboration between and within sectors to deliver people-centred TB and HIV services as well as guidance on implementation considerations for collaborative TB/HIV activities, updating activities outlined under objective A from the 2012 TB/HIV policy as shown in Fig. 1. WHO’s Framework for collaborative action on TB and comorbidities (2) provides further guidance for establishing and strengthening mechanisms for effective collaboration to deliver people-centred services for TB and comorbidities, including HIV. Fig. 2 summarizes the updated collaborative TB/HIV activities.

Fig. 2. Updated 2024 collaborative TB/HIV activities



⁴ The TB knowledge sharing platform is available at: https://tbksp.org/.

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